Prebook Date:03/12/2013
 Street Date04/09/2013
 Run Time:90 Min
 CatalogMTI 2180
 Rating:Not Rated
Preacher's Daughter, The
The estranged daughter of a small town minister is forced to return to the strict, religious home of her youth where she must confront the troubled relationships that caused her to leave four years before.
DVD:DVD MTI 2180UPC # 039414521801


Andrea Bowen
"Desperate Housewives"

Adam Mayfield
“All My Children”

Ron Jackson

Cyndi Williams
Temple Grandin

Jamie Teer
A Schizophrenic Love Story

Lew Temple
Lawless, “The Walking Dead”

SPECIAL DVD FEATURES: Closed Captioned, 16:9 Widescreen Format, 5.1 Dolby Digital Sound, Trailers